Friday, August 15, 2008

Is it really a good time to get into trucking?

Let’s face it this year has been tough on the trucking industry but the entire economy. We have seen record fuel prices and large numbers of trucking companies failing. So you might be asking yourself why is this a good time to get into trucking? Well, we at have a few facts that might help put your mind at ease and give you the momentum you need to get started. Because of the reduced number of trucks on the road carriers now have the ability to negotiate higher paying loads and keep their trucks loaded! With 4.5% of our nations trucking capacity out of business, the laws of supply and demand have already begun to take effect.

Today we leave you with a tip for those of you who are new carriers. Before you accept a load, know the area you are going to. If outbound freight is low and available trucks are high, charge accordingly. Don’t eat up your profits in lost time waiting for a load.

Stay tuned for more tips on how to make record profits during this economic turndown.

And as always thanks for stopping by and keep 'em loaded!


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